Is there a universal method to restore health, prevent disease and slow down the aging process? Something that could help against disease and disorders of the joints and spine, chronic problems of various kinds, eye disease and allergies, insomnia, high blood pressure and even reduce wrinkles? Something that could also help athletes recover after intense workout?
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Welcome to Människans Resurser

Människans Resurser AB is General Distributor for the countries within the European Union


Resonance therapy and diagnostics are based on the power of resonance waves, which was discovered by scientists at the Institute of Radio Technology and Electronics, RAS, in 1995.

The discovery meant that scientists had identified the conditions required to affect water molecules by using electromagnetic waves at ultra-low power, creating vibrations which unite water molecules of various sizes and synchronize configurations of dynamic water clusters. Despite the low levels of resonance waves (the power is over 10 million times lower than UHF devices and traditional resonance therapy), these electromagnetic resonance waves have a strong biological effect. Studies have shown that these waves can bring order to the water structure, which improves the metabolic processes in the body.

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Your health is in your hands....

About us.

Människans Rersurser AB (translated from Swedish: ”Humans’ Resourses Inc.) applies modern methods and approaches in health promotion activities. Our vision is to help people learn how to use their own enormous inner power and resources to rid themselves from health problems. Människans Resurser AB is General Distributor for all countries within the European Union.

Our health concepts

Our methods affect the entire entire body and improve all cellular functions - and are very easy to use. Our methods have been tested and applied for a considerable time and have been proven to be very effective. The methods of our health concept have all been scientifically verified.